The AI for Global Health Innovation (AI4GHI) Challenge 2024 asked researchers to submit AI-driven solutions which aim at tackling pressing global health challenges. In their paper “ExplainDengue - Dengue Outbreak Prediction System using Neurosymbolic GNNs Approach”, the three researchers present their innovative AI-solution ExplainDengue. Their contribution took the first place in the People’s Innovation Award.
About the AI tool
In contrast to other AI tools, ExplainDengue does not only predict outbreaks of the dengue disease but also explains reasons for the predictions. These explanations are highly important as they facilitate decision making in public health management and allow for the implementation of targeted measures. A video in which the researchers explain how the tool works can be found here.
About the (former) OeAD scholarship holders
Diyah Utami Kusumaning Putri has been a scholarship holder of the Indonesia - Austria Scholarship Programme (IASP) since 2024. She conducts research at the University of Vienna.
Annisa Maulida Ningtyas was a scholarship holder of the Indonesia - Austria Scholarship Programme (IASP) from 2019 until 2023. She pursued a PhD-programme at TU Wien, where she recently finished her doctoral thesis.
The OeAD is proud to share the groundbreaking research of (former) scholarship holders and congratulates them warmly on winning the award!

Further information about the Indonesia - Austria Scholarship Programme (IASP)