Schloss Hof in Lower Austria is around 50 kilometers from Vienna. More than 40 scholarship holders joined us for this day trip. We started out with a guided tour through the palace of Schloss Hof, that is highly significant in the history of art. Then we visited the Estate Farm that now takes care of ancient Austrian domestic breeds such as the white donkey that was typical of the Baroque era and the rare Bactrian camel. We closed our tour by a walk through the Paradise Gardens that were planned after the French model and offers a beautiful environment for relaxation. Especially after the many Corona restrictions our scholars appreciated the possibility of meeting personally and sharing experiences.
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OeAD regularly offers events for scholars, so that international students can get to know each other and see different places in Austria. In October 2021 we invited scholars to Schloss Hof to experience the world of Baroque.
1 min read
16. March 2022