Transdisciplinarity for sustainable tourism development in Armenia

10. January 2019 EntwicklungsforschungHochschule
Group of people walking along a street in green hilly surroundings
In Meghradsor community, the first case study course in the framework of the APPEAR project Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Caucasus Region | CaucaSusT took place in June 2018.

24 students from the faculties of physical geography, social-economic geography and landscape planning took place in the case study, together with an interdisciplinary team of teachers of geography, biology, history, sociology, ecology and sustainable development. Partners from Austria (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna and IMC FH Krems) and Georgia (Tbilisi State University) participated as well. The students and teachers worked in cooperation with local stakeholders to tackle several research questions focusing on sustainable tourism development of the Meghradsor community. The students came up with a number of scenarios and proposals for potential tourism products. Their aim is to continue supporting and promoting the Meghradsor community in the future.

The daily journal of the Case Study can be downloaded here: Case Study Course Armenia Journal

The summary presentation of the students’ work can be seen here: Summary Presentation

A video of the case study has been produced by the ASPU Media team.

Preparatory Work for the Case Study in Armenia, which began right after the teacher workshops in the Summer of 2017, included a number of meetings and teacher trainings, as well as swork with the local stakeholders.


BOKU website CaucasusT


Three groups of people each sitting together at seperate tables