Workshop on Europass, Euraxess & the Higher Education System

30. November 2016
A woman and a man are sitting somewhere and smiling into the camera. You see several people in the background, sitting or standing around a table.
OeAD organised a workshop on Europass, Euraxess & the Higher Education System on 17 June 2016. Some participants were interviewed after the event and shared their views on the biggest differences in student life when comparing their home country and Austria or the meaning of “being mobile in Higher Education”.

Kevin Obiero is in possession of a M.Sc. Degree in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences from Moi University (currently University of Eldoret) specialising in Aquatic Sciences and Aquaculture. He is currently pursuing his PhD studies at BOKU University, focusing on the role of extension systems in innovating aquaculture in Kenya, within the framework of the project. Prior to starting his PhD research, Kevin was working as a research scientist at Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), based at Sangoro Aquaculture Research Station, where he is in charge of research programmes. To upgrade his skills and professional experience, Kevin has attended several short courses and training programmes at international level including; Agriculture in Transition at Wageningen University, Fish Base and Fish Taxonomy Training at Royal Museum of Central Africa, Belgium, and Scientific Academic Exchange Programme at Nagasaki University, Japan.