Presentation at the African Utility Week, 17-19 May 2016

27. November 2016
The African Utility Week is the largest conference and trade exhibition for African power and water utility professionals and offers a unique networking opportunity for engineers, stakeholders and solution providers in the water and energy sector alike. It is held annually in Cape Town South Africa. Pauline made a presentation in the water and energy sectors, was part of a panel discussion on improving efficiencies in drinking water utilities by integrating water and energy planning.

She also participated in an expert interview on how drinking water utilities can improve energy use for water treatment.Click here to find more information about the African Utility Week. View pictures of the African Utility Week, the third picture shows Pauline Macharia and her son “the youngest ever VIP delegate”.

Pauline Macharia is in possession of a Master of Science degree in Environmental Sciences specialising in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems from IHE, the Netherlands. Prior to starting her PhD research at the Technical University, Vienna, Pauline was working as an assistant lecturer at Egerton University, Kenya teaching aquatic ecology and resources management courses. In addition, she was involved in various scientific research projects on aquatic ecology. For three years, Pauline was also involved in an extensive joint Master’s programme in Limnology and Wetland Management, Kenyan trimester. Pauline is currently pursuing her PhD research on optimisation of energy efficiency in drinking water utilities.