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Photo of Sona Balasanyan
© Arpi Ohanyan

Gaining Deeper Insights Through Ethical Qualitative Interviews

APPEAR scholar Sona Balasanyan published an open-access article exploring how qualitative interviews can bring out deeper insights when dealing with people facing crises.
2 min read · 03. December 2024

Co-authored with her local supervisor, Hasmik Gevorgyan, a Professor of Sociology at the Yerevan State University, Department of Sociology, this study was developed during her fieldwork. It provided new ways to understand people’s experiences in difficult, critical life situations, such as pandemics, economic crises, conflicts, and ecological challenges. The publication of this methodological study is essential for Sona’s PhD work at the University of Vienna, Department of Education. 

Qualitative interviewing is a popular tool in social sciences to gather personal stories and insights. Over time, it has evolved into a more flexible and interactive process, making it suitable for sensitive settings. Balasanyan’s paper focuses on how adding philosophical, existential questions into interviews can help both interviewers and participants find meaning during complex times. This approach respects people’s perspectives, allowing them to express their personal experiences with greater depth and honesty. Balasanyan has specifically used this approach to interview university students from Armenian and Georgian universities. 

Balasanyan’s study highlights the importance of ethical research and sensitivity, especially when interviewing individuals in distressing situations. Drawing from various research methods, the study shows how specific types of questions can help build trust and make interviews more impactful. This method not only allows participants to feel heard but also helps them reflect on their own experiences in meaningful ways.

A key takeaway from Balasanyan’s study is the power of asking existential questions - like those addressing purpose or resilience - during interviews. These questions encourage interviewees to think about their experiences on a deeper level, helping researchers gain more nuanced insights. By incorporating such questions, interviewers can better connect with participants and understand their responses within the broader context of their lives.

Balasanyan, S., & Gevorgyan, H. (2024). World in Crises: Towards Qualitative Interviewing through Existential Questions. The Qualitative Report, 29(7), 2111-2132. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2024.6700

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