The aim of the event was to provide students with practical information and tools for entering the Austrian labour market as well as information on labour law and self-employment in Austria. The topic was met with great interest and all 50 places were booked within the first few days of registration.
The first part of the career day included presentations on the Austrian labour market by the Austrian Business Agency and on the Europass by the OeAD. The afternoon began with an overview of Austrian labour law, presented by an expert from the Arbeiterkammer Wien. According to the feedback from the participants, they received a lot of useful professional advice that would make their start in professional life considerably easier.
After that, two parallel workshops were offered: one on the application process and the other on setting up a company. The first workshop, “Behind the Scenes of an HR Department: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Application” was led by colleagues from the HR department of the OeAD, while the second, “Start-up Guide: Fundamental Information on Self-employment in Austria” was led by the Wirtschaftsagentur Wien.
The numerous positive feedback also shows that the aim of the OeAD Career Day was successfully achieved:
“I have never received such up-to-date and practical information on how to find a job. This event has been a great help for my future career.”
A big thank you to all the experts for their valuable insights and to the scholarship holders for their interest in the topic of working in Austria!