Facts and Figures
- The OeAD in Figures (2023) (586,9 KB)
- The OeAD in Figures (2021) (768,3 KB)
- Info sheet - Federal Ministers since 1945 (66,4 KB)
Annual reports
- Annual report 2023 (9,5 MB)
- Annual report 2022 (13,0 MB)
- Annual report 2021 (10,5 MB)
- Annual report 2020 (13,7 MB)
- Annual report 2019 (7,3 MB)
- Annual report 2017 (3,3 MB)
- Annual report 2016 (2,9 MB)
- Annual report 2015 (2,3 MB)
- Annual report 2014 (2,9 MB)
- Annual report 2013 (2,4 MB)
The Milestones show the OeAD’s most important stages in the context of European and Austrian developments that influenced us between 1961 and 2021. Join us on this journey through time!
OeAD magazines
- OeAD-Magazin #GetEducationMoving - Bildung gestalten - Innovation leben (in German) (11,7 MB)
- OeAD magazine #EducationalCooperation - Netzwerk in Ost- und Südosteuropa (in German) (6,2 MB)
- OeAD magazin #YoungScienceRocks (in German) (5,1 MB)
- OeAD magazine Ladestation K3. Cultural Education for Apprentices (in German) (8,3 MB)
- OeAD magazine #HigherEducation - Erasmus+ Goes Global (in German) (6,9 MB)
Cultural education, science education - interface between schools and society
- Architecture Education: RaumGestalten school year 2022/23 (in German) (3,9 MB)
- Cultural Education: Culture Connected (in German) (3,2 MB)
- Cultural Education: Creative competition projekteuropa (in German) (2,4 MB)
- Science Education: Brochure "Citizen Science Research with Schools" (in German) (5,6 MB)
- Science Education: Card "Pupils at higher education institutions" (in German) (86,1 KB)
- Science Education: Folder "Citizen Science" (in English) (966,7 KB)
- Science Education: Folder "Citizen Science" (in German) (975,5 KB)
- Science Education: Folder "Citizen Science Award 2023" (in German) (1.003,4 KB)
- Science Education: Brochure "Sparkling Science 2.0" (in German) (6,6 MB)
- Science Education: Brochure "Sparkling Science 2.0" (in English) (6,6 MB)
- Science Education: Card "Science ambassadors" (2022) (in German) (435,6 KB)
- Science Education: Folder "Young Science" (in German) (647,6 KB)
- Science Education: Folder "Young Science Quality Label for Schools 2022" (in German) (10,7 MB)
- Science Education: Card "Collection of activities for science and democracy engagement" (in German) (462,1 KB)
Holocaust Education
- Folder: Lehren und Lernen über Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust (in german) (3,7 MB)
- Prävention von Antisemitismus durch Bildung (in german) (358,4 KB)
- ERINNERN:AT in Zahlen (in german) (361,2 KB)
- Shoah Wall of Names - Biographical Cards (14,1 MB)
- Shoah Wall of Names - Glossary (142,3 KB)
- Shoah Wall of Names - Pedagogical Materials (3,8 MB)
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC)
As the national agency for Erasmus+ in Austria the OeAD supports thousands of stays abroad every year. In Erasmus+ Education up to 240,000 participants from Austria in the four education sectors – higher education, school education, vocational education and training and adult education – are expected to spend time abroad for education or training purposes with Erasmus+ during the programme period 2021-2027. This is an average of around 34,300 people per year. In Erasmus+ Youth it is 13,000 people per year, i.e. around 91,000 people will have taken advantage of the exchange opportunities by the end of the programme period. Austria is expected to receive 683 million euros from European Union funds for Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps between 2021 and 2027.
In the central “actions” of Erasmus+ projects are submitted directly to Brussels; there is worldwide competition. The OeAD supports the higher education institutions with an extensive range of advisory services. In the programmes Capacity Building in Higher Education, Jean Monnet, Erasmus Mundus, European Universities and Knowledge Alliances more than 14,600 projects were submitted worldwide between 2014 and 2020. Of the 225 projects submitted by Austria as coordinator 35% were approved, which is a significantly higher percentage than the average (21.9%).
In the “Erasmus back to School” project Erasmus students have visited their former schools for the last 10 years, talked about their experiences and whetted the pupils’ appetites to spend a study period abroad. Since the start of the project more than 600 school visits have taken place and 18,000 pupils have been reached. Now the project has been extended to other areas of education as well.
Within the framework of the global expansion of the Erasmus+ programme 1,660 mobility activities of students and persons employed at higher education institutions between Austria and 65 countries on all continents were funded in 2020. Erasmus+ international supports networking of higher education institutions worldwide and in all disciplines.
Erasmus+ Facts and Figures (in German)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend sowie ESK Statistik 2021-2027 (1,1 MB)
- Erasmus+ Statistik 2014-2020 (5,3 MB)
- Erasmus+ Jugend Statistik 2014-2020 (1,2 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend im Bild 2019/2020 (4,6 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend im Bild 2018/2019 (4,6 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend im Bild 2017/2018 (4,6 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend im Bild 2016/2017 (4,3 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend im Bild 2015/2016 (4,3 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung und Jugend im Bild 2014/2015 (1,7 MB)
Federal Ministry of Education: Interim evaluation of the implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme in Austria (2017)
Erasmus+ Education: Annual reports (in German)
- Erasmus+ Bildung: Jahresbericht 2019 (5,9 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung: Jahresbericht 2018 (3,7 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung: Jahresbericht 2017 (6,6 MB)
- Erasmus+ Bildung: Jahresbericht 2016 (7,3 MB)
Erasmus+ Award Education (in German)
- Erasmus+ Award Bildung 2020 (5,4 MB)
- Erasmus+ Award Bildung 2019 (2,8 MB)
- Erasmus+ Award Bildung 2018 (3,7 MB)
- Erasmus+ Award Bildung 2017 (3,8 MB)
- Folder: Grants for Austria – Mach, Werfel, Plaschka (1,0 MB)
- Folder: Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research grants - (2,5 MB)
- Folder: Study in Austria (4,5 MB)
- Folder: Euraxess Austria (227,4 KB)
- Researcher's Guide to Austria (662,1 KB)
- Folder: Das österreichische Lektoratsprogramm (in German) (514,3 KB)
- Folder: Marietta Blau-Stipendium (in German) (504,1 KB)
- Folder: Euraxess Austria (227,4 KB)
- Folder: Go east mit CEEPUS (in German) (1,1 MB)
Fokus UniNet
- Folder: Africa UniNet (5,6 MB)
- ASEA-UNINET (in Englisch) (867,6 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Promotion of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Towards Electricity Access in Uganda (803,0 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Advancing local capacities for livestock breeding practice and research in Burkina Faso (415,2 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Strengthening Organic Agriculture in Armenia: Participatory Higher Education and Knowledge Exchange for Development (472,6 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Strengthening of Higher Education, Research and Science Communication in Agroecology in the Rwenzori Region in Western Uganda (343,4 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Clean and Prosperous Uganda – Fecal Sludge and Solid Waste Management for Improved Livelihoods (394,0 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Digitally Connecting Real and Virtual Environments (295,9 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable Development (403,8 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Strengthening Research and Educational Competences of HEIs for Gender sensitive Urban (InfoRmal Settlement) Transformation (413,1 KB)
- Մասնակցային մոտեցմամբ էկոհամակարգային ծառայությունների գնահատում` Հայաստանի ջրային ռեսուրսների կայուն կառավարման նպատակով (EcoServ) (191,3 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Ecosystem services assessment through a participatory approach for sustainable water resources management in Armenia (91,1 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Strengthening Genetic Biocontrol Capacities under Climate Change in Armenia (93,0 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Strengthening Capacity of Higher Engineering Education for Sustainable Buildings (99,4 KB)
- APPEAR Factsheet - Strengthening transformative capacity of Higher Education Institutions for equitable and resilient governance of natural resources in refugee-host community settings in West Nile, Uganda (107,1 KB)
OeAD International Cooperation Offices
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Albania (1,2 MB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Bosnia and Herzegovina (1,3 MB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices China (1,3 MB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Kosovo (1,2 MB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Moldova (634,8 KB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Montenegro (1,3 MB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices North Macedonia (1,2 MB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Serbia (635,8 KB)
- OeAD brochure Cooperation Offices Ukraine (2,9 MB)
- Students with a delayed transition into Higher Education with a special focus on Austria, Lithuania, and Romania (881,2 KB)
- Micro-credential-Bildungsangebote. Bestandsaufnahme an österreichischen Hochschulen im Herbst 2022 (in German) (863,1 KB)
- OeAD Activity Report Africa-Austria (1,7 MB)
- OeAD-Kurzbericht Ukraine (in German) (228,9 KB)
- OeAD-Policy Brief Post-Covid-19 (in German) (194,6 KB)
- OeAD-Policy Brief BREXIT: Hochschulbildung und Berufsbildung (in German) (265,3 KB)
- OeAD-Policy Brief Covid-19: Auswirkungen und Herausforderungen für den österreichischen Hochschulraum und Mobilitätsprogramme. Stellung und Beitrag des OeAD (in German) (433,8 KB)
- Covid-19 und die Folgen für Lehrangebote und Mobilität an Österreichs Hochschulen (in German) (109,9 KB)
Subject-specific publications
- Work Report NCP 2021 (in German) (4,5 MB)
- Work Report NCP 2020 (in German) (1,2 MB)
- Euroguidance Fachtagung 2020 Publikation „Guidance Matters - Mit Guidance Herausforderungen eines turbulenten Arbeitsmarktes meistern“ (2020) (partly German, partly English) (2,7 MB)
- EPALE and Erasmus+ Publication: "I am different. You are different. Together we are diversity!" (2021) (4,2 MB)
- 25 Jahre Franz Werfel-Stipendium (2017) (in German) (2,6 MB)
- 30 Jahre Forschungskooperation Österreich – China (2015) (German/Chinese/English) (2,6 MB)
Coordination Office for the National Qualification Framework
- Work Report NCP 2021 (in German) (4,5 MB)
- Work Report NCP 2020 (in German) (1,2 MB)
- Work Report NCP 2019 (in German) (1,1 MB)
- Work Report NCP 2018 (in German) (335,5 KB)
Euroguidance Fachtagungen
- 2021: Green Guidance. Grüne Bildungs- und Berufsentscheidungen im Fokus (4,4 MB)
- 2020: Guidance Matters - Mit Guidance Herausforderungen eines turbulenten Arbeitsmarktes meistern (2,7 MB)
- 2019: Opening Opportunities – Der Beitrag von Guidance zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit (3,7 MB)
- 2018: Lifelong Guidance in einem dynamischen Arbeitsmarkt: erreichen, befähigen, stärken (4,2 MB)
- 2017: Guidance 4.0 - Neue Tools und Skills in der Beratung (7,8 MB)
- 2016: Valuing competences - Der Wert von mitgebrachten Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen und deren Anerkennung (3,5 MB)
- 2015: WHO FAILS? - WHAT WORKS? Der "andere" Blick auf Bildungsbenachteiligung und Schulabbruch sowie Ansätze von Guidance (8,2 MB)
- 2014: Schriftenreihe Euroguidance (280,4 KB) Schriftenreihe Deckblatt Euroguidance
- 2013: Dokumentation Building the Evidence Base - Face-to-Face Beratung: Methoden und Wirkung (4,6 MB)
- 2012: Dokumentation Widening Access Herausforderungen erkennen – Angebote gestalten – Zielgruppen erreichen (8,3 MB)
- 2011: Dokumentation Guidance macht Schule - Career Management Skills von der frühen Kindheit bis zum Berufseinstieg (5,2 MB)
- 2010: Dokumentation Bildungs- und Berufsberatung im Kontext der Migration (2,7 MB)
The following publications have been published:
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band I: "Auslandserfahrung und duale Ausbildung. Praxis und Potenzial" (2011)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band II: "50 Jahre Bildungsmobilität. Eine kleine Geschichte des OeAD" (2011)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band III: "Mit Erasmus durch Europa. Österreichische Studierende berichten über ihren Auslandsaufenthalt. Eine Studie" (2012)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band IV: "Wissen und Entwicklung. 30 Jahre Kommission für Entwicklungsfragen (KEF). Ein Reader zu Wissensproduktion und Entwicklungsforschung" (2012)
- Schriftenreihe der OeAD. Band V: "Schule grenzenlos. Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert" (2013)
- Schriftenreihe der OeAD. Band VI: "Wissen und Entwicklung II. Ein Reader zu Theorie und Empirie in der Entwicklungsforschung. Texte zum Nachwuchspreis der Kommission für Entwicklungsforschung (KEF)" (2014)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band VII: "Die Rolle von Guidance in einer sich wandelnden Arbeitswelt" (2014)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band VIII: "International Lectures. 22 Beiträge zur Internationalisierung der Hochschulen" (2016)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band IX: "Wissen und Entwicklung III. Texte des Österreichischen Nachwuchspreises für Entwicklungsforschung 2015 und 2017" (2018)
- Schriftenreihe des OeAD. Band X: "Wissen und Entwicklung IV. Texte des Österreichischen Nachwuchspreises für Entwicklungsforschung 2019 und 2021" (2022)
Special publications
- OeAD Jahresabschluss 2021 (2,1 MB)
- OeAD Jahresabschluss 2020 (4,0 MB)
- OeAD-Jahresabschluss 2019 (931,8 KB)
- OeAD-Jahresabschluss 2018 (1,8 MB)
- OeAD-Jahresabschluss 2017 (2,5 MB)
- OeAD-Jahresabschluss 2016 (803,4 KB)
- Corporate Governance Bericht 2021 (1,1 MB)
- Corporate Governance Bericht 2020 (1,1 MB)
- Corporate Governance Bericht 2019 (2,6 MB)
- Corporate Governance Bericht 2018 (387,0 KB)
- Corporate Governance Bericht 2017 (411,8 KB)
- Corporate Governance Bericht 2016 (296,9 KB)