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Study : Research : Teaching

Service centre for European and international mobility and cooperation programmes in education, science and research.

For more than 60 years we have been in dialogue with students, researchers and lecturers. We build bridges between Austrian educational institutions and institutions around the world. Whether you are an international student or researcher from abroad and would like to come to Austria or explore new academic opportunities abroad you will find all important information on this page.

Austria offers excellent study and research possibilities at renowned universities and research institutions. At the same time there are numerous opportunities to gain international experience, whether it is through semesters abroad, research projects or teaching. Find out about scholarships, entry requirements, accommodation and other helpful details to support you on your academic path – in Austria or worldwide.

Glückliche vielfältige Gruppe von Studenten, die gemeinsam an einem Studienprojekt arbeiten
© iStock/Fizkes

Alle Stipendien und Forschungsförderungen

Übersicht nach Zielgruppen mit Ansprechpersonen.


Current closing dates for application

  • To promote junior researchers and scientific cooperation scholarships are offered for a stay at Taiwanese universities.
    Flagge von Taiwan
    © Unsplash/leannk
    Last call
  • To promote junior researchers and scientific cooperation scholarships are offered for a stay at Taiwanese universities.
    Flagge von Taiwan
    © Unsplash/leannk
  • The Marietta Blau Grants of the Austrian Centres (formally known as Doctoral Research Fellowships) are aimed at highly qualified doctoral candidates who wish to complete a research stay at an institute of the Austria Centers. The fellowship serves to optimize their doctoral thesis; therefore the fellowship stay must be completed before submitting the doctoral thesis.
    Junge Frau mit Büchern in der Hand in einer Bibliothek
    © iStock_arekmalang
  • Application is open to postdocs with a doctoral degree from an accredited Austrian University in the field of Humanities or Social Sciences with a focus on the Danube Region and Austria's cultural and social development in connection with its relevance for the European intellectual life in whole. Registered residence in Austria at least from the date of application until the commencement of duties is obligatory. Field of responsibility: Teaching within her/his discipline; initiation and co-planning of research projects; working at the Center for Austrian Studies (initiating and intensifying cooperation between Austrian and Israeli universities and scientific institutions)
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    © Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • 15. May 2025 · 11:59 pm

    Sommerkolleg České Budějovice

    The ‘univie: summer school for Czech-Austrian Language Tandem: Sommerkolleg České Budějovice 2025’ from 7 to 26 July 2025 is intended for Czech and Austrian students who are interested in each other's language, want to expand their intercultural skills and gain new knowledge about their neighbouring country.
    © rawpixel.com / Shutterstock

An Overview of the OeAD’s Activities

  • Communication and Marketing: Under the brand “Highlight your future. Study in Austria,” the OeAD represents all Austrian higher education sectors worldwide: public universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and colleges, and universities of teacher education.
  • Support for Scholarship Holders: In 2023, for example, the OeAD’s regional offices supported and assisted 2,724 scholarship holders from more than 70 countries.
  • Advisory and Support Services for Higher Education Institutions: The OeAD works closely with Austrian higher education institutions, OeAD lecturers, and Austrian embassies abroad. It promotes the study programmes, scholarships, and partnership opportunities offered by over 70 Austrian institutions globally and provides comprehensive information and advice on studying and researching in Austria. To support this, the OeAD offers a variety of online and print materials.
  • Participation in and Organisation of Events: Alongside over 100 representatives from Austrian higher education institutions, the OeAD took part in 2023 with an information booth at three international specialist and higher education fairs, as well as at public fairs (partly virtual) in cooperation with “Study in Europe,” Austrian embassies, and the Austrian Economic Chamber. The OeAD organises Austrian receptions and international partnership events, as well as information sessions for Austrian lecturers and foreign embassies, and offers webinars on study and scholarship opportunities in Austria, partly in collaboration with Austrian universities.
  • Welcome and Integration Services: The OeAD aims to provide international students, researchers, and lecturers with optimal starting conditions in Austria. To this end, it supports higher education institutions in developing and enhancing their welcome and integration services.
  • Citizen Science: With the Center for Citizen Science, the OeAD is dedicated to the sustainable anchoring of Citizen Science in the scientific and educational landscape. Numerous initiatives and programmes provide interested citizens with a wide range of opportunities to participate in science. The flagship programme is Sparkling Science, with which the OeAD promotes high-quality and innovative citizen science projects on behalf of the BMBWF (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research).
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