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INterconnection/INnovation/INclusion: Austrian contributions to the EHEA 2030

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© OeAD Key-Staff and national EHR-Experts

Promoting Internationalisation, Inclusion and Innovation at Higher Education Institutions

3-IN-AT-PLUS 2022-2024 is already the fourth project of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), Unit IV/11 to support the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in Austria and internationally. As for the predecessors, the OeAD, Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation is responsible for coordination and implementation of the project as affiliated entity.

3-IN-AT-PLUS takes up the results of the Bologna Process Implementation Report 2020 and the priorities of the Rome Communiqué (2020) and draws from the suggestions of the Austrian national Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) to ensure focusing on the needs of the target group. For three years, the project will contribute to realizing the vision of an „inclusive, innovative and interconnected EHEA” on a national and international level. 3-IN-AT-PLUS‘ outputs will be disseminated by newsletters of the OeAD and through the national BFUG and they will feed into the working structures of the European BFUG.

3-IN-AT-PLUS‘ work program offers a broad range of consulting, training, international networking opportunities and information for actors at Austrian higher education institutions as well as other stakeholders involved in education policy. In cooperation with national ministries (Iceland, Croatia, Lithuania), consultative members of the BFUG (ENQA, EUA, EURASHE) and other partners, international events and activities will be implemented which will contribute to networking and discussion at the European level. In addition to the Austrian partners and the “National Team of Experts for the European Higher Education Area”, organisations from eight other countries (Croatia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Rumania, Sweden) could be won as partners.

Thematic priorities

Mobility and internationalisation (WP 2)

Innovative Learning and Teaching (WP 3)

  • Internationale Peer Learning Aktivität (PLA) zu Micro-Credentials
  • Continuing the „ Dialogue on innovative higher education teaching “: three events on topics of digitalization, competence orientation and implementation of the ECTS

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – From Peer to Peer (WP 3.1)

  • Continuing the activities of the Erasmus+ project s RPL in Practice (RPLiP): expansion of the existing network of practitioners, peer learning activities, conference

The Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) coordinates the activities on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and the respective European RPL Network.

Social Dimension – Implementation of a national strategy on the social dimension on HE – comparison in the EHEA (WP 4)

The Bologna-Prozess: Information, Networking, Peer Learning (WP 5, WP 6)

The call ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EHEA-IBA "European Higher Education Area (EHEA) - Initiative to support the implementation of reforms" was exclusively addressed at the Ministries of Education and Research of countries participating in Erasmus+ and the consultative members of the EHEA. 3-IN-AT-PLUS was accepted by the European Commission with an excellent evaluation result of 88 out of 100 points.

This project is co-financed by the European Commission. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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© European Commission

Project leader: BMBWF, dept. IV/11, Stephan De Pasqualin

Project coordination: OeAD, Bologna Service Point

Key staff: Manuela Fried dept. IV/11, Andrea Geisler dept. IV/5, Maria Keplinger dept. IV/13, Alexander Kohler dept. IV/5, Helga Posset dept. IV/13, Anna Rechberger dept. IV/13, Eva Uthe dept. IV/11 and Edith Winkler dept. IV/7a (all BMBWF); Regina Aichner, Ágnes Medve, Beate Treml, Gerhard Volz (all OeAD), Barbara Birke, Agnes Witzani (AQ Austria)

Project partners: OeAD  as „affiliated entity“ (responsible for project coordination and implementation)

AQ Austria

Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Iceland)

Ministry of Science and Education (Croatia)

ŠMSM – Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (Lithuania)

ENQA – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

EUA – European University Association

EURASHE – European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

HRK nexus – Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (Germany)

Nuffic  (Netherlands)

UHR - Swedish Council for Higher Education

RANNIS – The Icelandic Center for Research (Iceland)

THEA – Technological Higher Education Association (Ireland)

UEFISCDI – Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research Development and Innovation Funding) (Romaina)

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)


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