Circus of Knowledge
Citizen Science meets Citizen Art
A central objective of the project is to generate enthusiasm and curiosity for research and scientific discovery at an early age and to encourage young people to see themselves as change-makers and active participants. In the intertwining of art, science and education and the active involvement of Citizen Science (CS), the project sees the potential to shape future-oriented education and to promote the implementation of innovative methods in the long term.
As part of the Artistic Research, trans-disciplinary research formats are being tested as prototypes engaging with around 980 students.
Guided by mentors (representatives from art, science, education), the students (citizen artists) embark on a research trip and explore scientific topics using the means of art.
This research trip includes the translation of scientific topics into sensually experienceable and jointly created theatre-, dance- or musical- interventions.
The Department of Educational Research at JKU Linz is responsible for the implementation of the Scientific Research.This involves more than 60 students in the scientific support of the Artistic Research formats. Has interest in science and STEM topics increased? What effects on general learning behavior can be identified in the school context? Can socio-economic and gender-specific disadvantages be avoided/compensated by artistic research formats?
The students and teachers are involved in the development of the research question, the theoretical framework of the scientific evaluation of the project and in the data collection and evaluation. This ensures that CS are fully involved in the entire research process.
Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. Peripheral schools were primarily selected as partner schools.
The Training of Trainers program (workshops for teachers and artists), the Youth Advisory Board, the public presentation of both artistic and scientific research, international networking and the planned conference enable the participation of other CS on the one hand and guarantee the involvement of the CS beyond the project duration, which will strengthen the topic in a sustainable way.
Lauss J, Helm C: Social disparities in students’ access to STEM and Art2025-01-14, Proceedings of Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023 PoS(ACSC2023) Triest