Studying, research and teaching in Europe and around the world
Do you want to study, do an internship, do research or teach abroad? On this website we have collected the most important information for a study or research stay abroad.

How to prepare for studying abroad
You want to gain experience abroad during your studies? Study a whole degree programme abroad? Pursue research abroad? International experience is the basis for the careers of many students and researchers – so don't miss out on this opportunity.

Stays abroad for higher education staff with Erasmus+
To support their higher education institution’s internationalisation strategy and to improve the quality of teaching lecturers at higher education institutions can get financial support for teaching assignments or further education at partner institutions abroad. Further education of staff members of International Offices and other administrative departments at higher education institutions can also be supported.

International cooperation in higher education
Austrian higher education institutions have a range of options for international cooperation with the overarching goals of creating innovative teaching and learning opportunities for students and international positioning of the higher education institution. These range from partnerships within Europe and knowledge transfer and cooperation with higher education institutions worldwide to joint projects with, for example, small and medium-sized enterprises or NGOs.