Dr. Magdalena Boch spent the academic year 2021/22 at the Cognitive Neuroecology Lab at the University of Oxford on a Marietta Blau Fellowship to investigate the neural basis and evolution of social cognition in dogs and humans. She completed her doctorate with distinction in September 2022 and is currently working as a postdoc at the University of Vienna. Ms. Boch received the 25,000 euros scholarship for her research into the neuronal mechanisms that humans and dogs have in common when processing social stimuli.
The OeAD is delighted about the successful career of a former Marietta Blau scholarship holder and congratulates her warmly!

About the “For Women in Science” scholarship programme:
The For Women in Science programme was launched in 1998 by the L'Oréal Foundation and UNESCO and has been established in Austria since 2007. In cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education, 71 scholarships have already been awarded as part of the Austrian programme. The scholarships, which are endowed with 25,000 euros each, promote outstanding scientific achievements by female researchers and a commitment to equal opportunities for women in research. The scholarship programme is intended to serve as a career booster for the award winners and the financial support enables women to advance their research. More than 4,400 female scientists worldwide have already been honoured with the award, including seven Nobel Prize winners.
Further information on the Marietta Blau Grant