Citizen Science funding from the Lower Austrian Society for Research Promotion

22. May 2024 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Kind mit Lupe
Projects can be submitted until 20 September 2024.

Due to the great interest in the 2023 call, the FTI-CitizenScience 2024 call from GFF Niederösterreich also builds on the extensive participation of citizen scientists in research projects and focuses on the in-depth exchange between science and the population.

Citizen science projects can be submitted until 20 September 2024 and can be funded independently of disciplines and research topics. However, they must relate to the fields of action of the RTI Strategy Lower Austria 2027. These are:

  • Health and nutrition
  • Environment, climate and resources
  • Digitalisation, intelligent production and materials
  • Society and culture

The project-leading institution must also be a university, university of applied sciences or non-university research institution in Lower Austria. Projects are funded with a maximum of 360,000 euros.

Further information and the submission form can be found on the website of the Lower Austrian Research Promotion Agency.