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Recap and recording: How does communication work in citizen science projects?

In the 2. spotlight of the webinar series "Inside Sparkling Science 2.0", researchers reported on how they design communication to best involve all project participants.
2 min read · 20. October 2023

How do you manage to communicate effectively and at eye level with all partners in a citizen science project in which researchers, students, teachers and other project participants work together? In the webinar, project leaders and collaborators from different disciplines shared their experiences. On the one hand, Nora Dirisamer, Julia Lauss and Christoph Helm (Johannes Kepler University Linz) shed light on the topic against the background of their Sparkling Science project "Circus of Knowledge. Citizen Science meets Citizen Art". On the other hand, Franziska Dengler (Vetmeduni Vienna) reported on her experiences from the project "Colic & Butyrate".

Lessons Learned

All speakers emphasized that good communication among such diverse project participants requires time and resources, which must be taken into account in project planning. Franziska Dengler emphasized that direct exchange in the research teams, but also with teachers and students, is particularly productive. However, creative solutions often have to be found because the time available together is limited. The JKU Linz team pointed out the importance of low-threshold offerings, such as feedback platforms for project participants, or explanatory videos to inform parents and project outsiders and to engage in exchange. 
More information from the projects, lessons learned and tips can be found in the recording. The event language was German.

Upcoming Spotlights

Spotlights take place on the second Thursday of each month from 12:00 to 13:00. Mark your calendars and register now!

- November 9, 2023: "Training Citizen Scientists - How do Citizen Scientists learn scientific work?" Register now
- December 14, 2023: "Dealing with conflict situations - What to do when tensions arise in Citizen Science projects?"
- January 11, 2024: "Motivation and Recognition in Citizen Science - Which Methods Work?"

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