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Next round of „Sparkling Science 2.0“

The second call for proposals of "Sparkling Science 2.0" is expected to start at the beginning of June 2023. First information is available online now.
1 min read · 28. April 2023

With "Sparkling Science 2.0", the OeAD, on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), supports research projects in which research and educational institutions and, as far as possible, civil society cooperate and jointly contribute to the generation of innovative research results. After the successful first call for proposals in 2021, the second call for proposals of "Sparkling Science 2.0" will now start at the beginning of June.

Interested parties can now find the following information on the second call on the websitewww.sparklingscience.at

Online research partner exchange for networking

In order to support scientific institutions in networking with partner schools and other cooperation partners, the OeAD again offers an online research partner exchange via the tool "Padlet".

Scientists who are looking for schools or other cooperation partners can enter information about the project project and the requirements for a cooperation there or find schools that express their interest in a cooperation. Each entry will be published on a digital pinboard and can be used for a first contact - even before the call for proposals starts. 

Check out the research partner exchange (in German)

Further information

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