Project Viel-Falter
The vision of project „Viel-Falter“ was to establish an Austria-wide monitoring of diurnal butterflies which is sustained by scientific institutions and schools. This network will provide an important contribution to a permanent and financially feasible biodiversity-monitoring in Austria and will increase the awareness of the importance of biological diversity and the protection of valuable habitats. Viel-Falter wias not able to fully realize this vision, but it will take some essential steps in that direction. These steps were:
a) The development and examination of simple but scientifically correct and meaningful evaluation methods to record and assess butterfly habitats.
b) The development and evaluation of an efficient data collection system for butterfly habitats close to residential areas. It will be accompanied by a web-platform and an educational complementary program and will serve as a pilot project for the Austria-wide application as part of a biodiversity-monitoring scheme.
c) The establishment of a lasting (beyond the project period), purpose-driven cooperation between the involved partners: science, schools, environmental education institutions, and public administration.
To reach these goals, surveys of butterfly habitats were conducted by scientists and pupils at 40 representative locations in Tyrol. Data were analyzed, scientifically interpreted and published together.
This project had a Top Citizen Science-extension project.
The project „Viel-Falter Top Citizen Science: Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Erhebungssystems siedlungsnaher Schmetterlingshabitate“ of the University of Innsbruck aimed to investigate if and how trained and supervised volunteers, are able to systematically collect data about butterfly habitats, and if the collected data could contribute to permanent biodiversity monitoring in Austria.
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This project is already completed.
In: DÖRLER, D./HEIGL, F./SANDÉN, T. (Hg.): Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017. Frontiers Abstract Book. Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, ISBN 978-2-88945-367-2, S. 73 – 75.
In: Journal of Insect Conservation. doi:10.1007/s10841-017-0010-3
Applied environmental indicators at landscape scale.