Adaptive Interfaces for a global iLab Cloud
Online laboratories provide an opportunity to access scientific experimentation equipment that is geographically detached from the user. Therefore, such laboratories allow researchers and students from different parts of the world to collaborate and learn together.
This open innovation pilot project - funded by the BMWFW - aimed at developing adaptive and reusable software components that facilitate the integration of laboratory equipment to the Internet by considering teachers’ and students’ requirements. The proposed approach made no assumptions on the nature of the experiment (physics, chemistry, biology, civil engineering, automation technology, etc.); it rather provided an opportunity for any experimentation apparatus to be seamlessly attached to the World Wide Web.
The methodological approach was designed to actively involve both teachers and students in the development cycle and therefore gain a better understanding of the functional and non-functional requirements.
To validate this approach, teachers and students with different core competences were challenged to create their own laboratory setup and in a later stage plug it to the Internet using the developed software components. With the experience and know-how of Carinthia University of Applied Sciences students and teachers received constant support to develop and later plug their systems into the cloud. The mentioned software components underwent additional tests with national and international partner schools. Through evaluations by national and international users, a better understanding of the usability of the individual laboratory setups was gained and used for further development.
This project was a Young Citizen Science pilot project.
Within the framework of the additional Citizen Science element external partners could take part in the Online-Lab4All Cloud. Via the project website they could give feedback to the developers of the laboratories, carry out scientific experiments and communicate ideas and information.
This project is already completed.
Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 22-25.10.2014, Madrid (Beitrag zum Tagungsband).
Schulische Abschlussarbeit
HTL Klagenfurt Mössingerstrasse, 2015, Klagenfurt (Diplomarbeit)
HTL Klagenfurt Mössingerstrasse, 2015, Klagenfurt (Diplomarbeit)