Lifelong Learning – Students´ and Scientists´ Joint Perspectives
Students and scientists working on lifelong learning (LLL): developing questionnaires, collecting data and formulating recommendations
The project combines substantial issues with methodological ones. From the substantial point of view we are interested to investigate lifelong learning competences in Austrian students. From the methodical point of view our purpose is to design lifelong learning-questionnaires that meet the claim of ecological validity. Psychosocial concepts and models are often not well represented by the respective questionnaires. Particularly, the questionnaires hardly meet the “language” of the target groups.
It is the aim of the project to overcome this problem by applying the following innovative approach:
* Scientists and students discuss together theoretical concepts and models of LLL. Existing LLL-questionnaires are modified in order to meet the students’ “language” and to improve the ecological validity of the instruments.
* The revised questionnaires are used to assess LLL in the schools involved, in numerous other schools in Austria (online), and in Great Britain.
* Results of the surveys are jointly discussed and interpreted by scientists and students with a specific focus on gender issues. Recommendations to enhance LLL-competencies in school are developed.
* The main results of the project are presented at a closing event organised by students and scientists.
The project is a joint venture of the Faculty of Psychology (working group Educational Psychology and Evaluation) at the University of Vienna and two gymnasiums in Vienna.
The involved students are introduced in scientific research methods and become aware of specific challenges and problems. Furthermore, students are encouraged to deal with LLL and the respective competencies. In the project, scientists and students are equal partners. Without the effort of the students the scientific standards of this project would not be met.
This project is already completed.
BERGER, B.: Selbstreguliertes Lernen unter der Lupe: Lernstrategien und motivationale Komponenten geschlechts-, alters- und domänenspezifisch analysiertUniversität Wien, Institut für Wirtschaftspsychologie, Bildungspsychologie und Evaluation, Wien 2011 (PDF, 1 MB)
In: Learning and Individual Differences, 26, S.131-138. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2013.05.005
LLL-KompetenzenAHS Mater Salvatoris (PDF, 41 KB)