Pedagogical, technical and cooperation-related conditions for success of hybrid learning spaces across school sites
The project "HybridLearningSpaces@School" examines the success factors and potentials of hybrid learning environments, which have become increasingly important since the COVID-19 pandemic. Hybrid learning allows students to participate in instruction both on-site in the classroom and online from a distance. Despite the growing interest, there are still few studies that address the specific challenges and success factors of such teaching formats in the school context.
This participatory research project aims to develop innovative hybrid teaching and learning scenarios and to investigate the pedagogical, technical, and cooperative conditions necessary for their success. Special attention is given to how to design the teaching to ensure that both on-site and remotely connected students can learn effectively. In the first phase of the project, interactive co-design workshops with students are conducted. During these workshops, participants jointly identify and plan potential scenarios for hybrid teaching-learning formats. In the second phase, the project collaborates with teachers, students, and business partners to develop specific lesson plans and corresponding teaching materials, which are then tested in the classroom. Technically, the project focuses on the use of digital technologies, such as 360-degree video, and their impact on the learning process. Pedagogically, it will focus on the development of didactic concepts that promote the active participation of all learners. In addition, the collaboration between the participating schools and business partners is studied to identify success factors for cooperation.
The project is based on close cooperation with four vocational secondary schools (“Handelsakademien”) in the Waldviertel region, which have been offering cross-location specialisation courses in a virtual classroom since the school year 2020/21. These schools are actively contributing their experiences and needs to the research to ensure that the scenarios developed meet real school demands. Furthermore, the Wirtschaftsforum Waldviertel (Business Forum Waldviertel) is involved as an important partner in the project to strengthen the practical relevance and cooperation between schools and businesses.
By systematically collecting and analysing data over a longer period of time, the project aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the development, effectiveness, and impact of hybrid teaching formats. This should contribute to the long-term improvement of the quality and flexibility of school educational offerings while also opening new avenues for school collaboration across locations.
Wagner M., Pishtari, G. & Ley, T.: The role of learning activities and social presence in synchronous hybrid classrooms: results from a natural experiment2024-10-31, Interactive Learning Environments