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Diagnostic improvement of allergies using nasal fluid and saliva


The “DIAG_NOSE” research project identifies new biological markers from non-invasive samples to improve allergy diagnostics. Allergies are detected by immunoglobulin E (IgE), which are specific antibodies that recognize allergens. However, it is currently not possible to distinguish whether a person has an allergy or only antibodies, but no symptoms based on a positive IgE result in the blood.

This knowledge gap is being closed in the project by extensive antibody tests in human serum, nasal secretions, and saliva. To this end, the allergen-specific binding of various antibodies (IgE, IgA and IgG) in the biosamples of the participating Young Citizen Scientists will be examined more closely. An allergen array, which allows the simultaneous testing of 300 allergen molecules and extracts in mini format, provides information on which antibodies can be found in the three biosamples. Mass spectrometry, an analytical method for the detection of small molecules, is used to search for further diagnostic and protective markers that make it possible to differentiate between allergic, sensitized, and non-allergic individuals.

The didactic objectives of “DIAG_NOSE” provide the Young Citizen Scientists a better insight into scientific working methods and biomedical research through collaboration. Together with the young people, new and innovative teaching concepts will be developed that build on the pupils' previously unexplored (mis)perceptions about pollen and allergies. The whole thing should also reach schools! Workshops and teaching materials will be offered that can be used directly in schools and in related didactic training and further education.

As Young Citizen Scientists, the pupils are involved in the project right from the start - from taking samples to laboratory analyses, workshops, evaluation of scientific results, specialist publications and conference presentations. They learn how to communicate scientific information at a high level, based on facts and in an understandable way. The Young Citizen Scientists thus have a multiplier effect and are media ambassadors.

“DIAG_NOSE” aims to make allergy diagnostics more accurate and simpler by identifying markers in non-invasive molecular biological samples. This helps those affected as well as the healthcare system. In addition, young people, various educational institutions, and society are involved in order to pool knowledge, provide factual information and strengthen the acceptance of science and research.


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