OeAD Alumni Event 2024 in China
At the annual OeAD alumni event in Shanghai, which took place within the framework of two high-profile delegation visits this year, the OeAD Cooperation Office welcomed more than 150 guests on 17 May. Both the OeAD’s managing director, Dr Jakob Calice, and the rector of Graz University of Technology took the opportunity to exchange ideas with the alumni.
The cooperation office's extensive alumni network has more than 850 members so far. The OeAD's alumni management is doing valuable work here to maintain contact between university graduates in China, who are an important component of networking and door openers for Austrian educational institutions and researchers, and their alma maters in Austria.
During their delegation trips the OeAD’s managing director and Graz University of Technology’s rector held successful talks with the heads of leading Chinese universities such as Tongji and Fudan in Shanghai. Moreover, cooperation with the most important network partner of the German Department of Zhejiang University’s "Culture and Language" programme was intensified.