Managing director
Assistant: Mag. Dominika Szelezniak, dominika.szelezniak@oead.at, +43 1 53408-101
Assistant: Dimitra Flouli BA, dimitra.flouli@oead.at, +43 1 53408-115
Mag. Ursula Hilmar
Press Officer, Head of Strategic Communications, Marketing and Press Relations, and Head of Corporate Support
Mag. Dominik Eisenmann, MA
Head of Foundation for Innovation in Education
International Cooperation Offices and Foreign Language Teaching
Assistant: Barbara Brettner, barbara.brettner@oead.at, +43 1 53408-301
Education and Society
Assistant: Kathi Einenkel Dipl. KuWi, kathi.einenkel@oead.at, +43 1 53408-261
Mag. Ulrike Gießner-Bogner
Head of Sector Cultural Education with Schools
Dr. Michaela Anna Poppe
Team coordination Projects – Initiatives – Education
Europe, Education, Youth
Mag. Ernst Gesslbauer
Head of Department and Erasmus+ & ESC Director
Assistant to the Head of Departement: Victoria Berger, victoria.berger@oead.at, +43 1 53408-601
Assistant to Heads of Sector: Sanja Tanaskovic, sanja.tanaskovic@oead.at, +43 1 53408-606
Secretariat: Bożena Janik, bozena.janik@oead.at, +43 1 53408-608
Secretariat: Peter Nagy, peter.nagy@oead.at, +43 1 53408-605
Mag. Nina Prinz, MAS
Head of Erasmus+ and ESK Programme Controlling
Mag. Ursula Panuschka
Head of Sector Erasmus+ School Education
Mag. Dr. Carin Daniel Ramirez-Schiller
Head of Sector Erasmus+ Adult Education & Cross-sectoral topics
Mag. Martin Prinz
Head of Sector Erasmus+ Vocational Education & Training
Mag. Gerhard Moßhammer
Head of Sector Erasmus+ Youth & Sport and European Solidarity Corps
International Cooperation in Higher Education
Assistant: Tatjana Német MSc, tatjana.nemet@oead.at, +43 1 53408-655
Assistant: Sarah Lichtenschopf, hochschulbildung@oead.at, +43 1 53408-656
Dr. Regina Radax
Head of Sector Mobility Programmes and Cooperation
Assistant: Asel Batirbekova, mpc@oead.at, +43 1 53408-259
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Obrecht
Head of Sector Science and Research for Development Cooperation
Mag. Maria Unger
Team Coordinator Information and Marketing in Higher Education
Quality and Transparency
Dr. Franz Gramlinger
Head of Department and Team Leader RQE
Assistant: Mingjun Xia BA, mingjun.xia@oead.at, +43 1 53408-301
Assistant: Bettina Krivan MA, digitalekompetenzen@oead.at, +43 1 53408-318
Assistant: Sabina Mulaimovic BA, sabina.Mulaimovic@oead.at, +43 1 53408-697
Dipl.-Päd. Johanna Weismann, MAS
Team leader Ö-CERT und Initiative Erwachsenenbildung (IEB)
Central Services
Mag. Ulrich Hörmann
Head of Department and Head of the Finances Sector, Authorised Signatory
Mag. Stefan Grausenburger
Head of Sector Human Resources
Dr. Peter Gaunerstorfer
Head of Sector Legal Issues & Infrastructure