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AAL_3_Alumni AudioLab with Constantine Loum

31. July 201701:07:35PodcastsAlumni

Constantine Loum from Northern Uganda talks in this third issue of the Podcast about what brought him to Austria, the connections between medicine and society and about his youth …

AAL_2_Alumni AudioLab with Kalina Kupczynska

4. July 201738:32PodcastsAlumni

Kalina Kupczynska from Poland talks in the second issue of Alumni AudioLab about her research on comics and other experimental kinds of texts. (podcast in German)

AlumniTalks with Gibson S. Nyanhongo

29. June 2017Alumni

From the University of Zimbabwe to the IFA Tulln: My journey in biotechnology. The event took place on the 12th May 2017 in Graz.

New OeAD podcast series Alumni AudioLab

7. June 2017PodcastsAlumni

Alumni of the OeAD are now talking monthly about their research, work, motivation and background.

AAL_1_Alumni AudioLab with Paul Yillia

1. June 201748:55PodcastsAlumni

Paul Yillia's path led him from his home in Sierra Leone in West Africa via several intermediate stops to Austria.