Cultural Education with Schools
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) the "Cultural Education with Schools" department works at the interface between schools, the arts and culture. In this context participatory cultural education projects and activities with schools throughout Austria are conceived, accompanied, promoted, and given advisory and organisational support.
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Calls for proposals and offers for the school year 2024/25
Overview of all current calls for proposals and closing dates for application for the school year 2024/25.
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Kultur:Bildung initiative
With the “Kultur:Bildung” initiative the OeAD offers the most comprehensive cultural education programme with schools all over Austria. Artists from all art disciplines work together with pupils in a stimulating and participatory way on projects within the framework of lessons.
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Areas of focus – current topics
In the school year 2023/24 the OeAD started the new thematic focus "take HEART! Democracy, sustainability and cultural education". Other priorities are cultural education and digital media, history education, cultural school development and literature education.
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Advice and contact
We are happy to advise and provide information about the possibilities and general conditions of successful cooperation between schools, art and culture as well as about funding possibilities of the OeAD for cultural education projects.
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