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TaTaBooks - Talking Tactile Books for Visually Impaired Children

24. July 2024BildungskooperationEuropean ProgrammesSchool

Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projekts "TaTaBooks - Talking Tactile Books for Visually Impaired Children" wurden innovative Lernmaterialien für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder erstellt. …

OeAD at the conference "Vocational Education and Training in Serbia: Getting Fit for the Future"

22. May 2024Bildungskooperation

What impact do global economic developments have on the economy and labour market in Serbia and what do these developments mean for vocational education and training in Serbia? …

OeAD Country Talk Bosnien und Herzegowina, 11. April 2024 - Nachlese

24. April 2024BildungskooperationAlumniOeAD

Bei den 5. OeAD Country Talks standen die vielschichtigen Kontakte zwischen Bosnien und Herzegowina und Österreich insbesondere in Bildung und Wissenschaft im Fokus.

Continuing support for the Ukrainian university sector!

18. April 2024BildungskooperationHigher EducationPartnerships

At a high-level meeting in Ukraine, Austrian universities reconfirmed continued commitment to support for science and higher education in Ukraine.

20 years of educational cooperation between Austria and Moldova

21. March 2024BildungskooperationVocational Training

The OeAD is active in the Republic of Moldova on behalf of the BMBWF through our co-operation office. Read some of the success stories here.