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Participation in Learning Mobility as a Driving Force to Change the EU

11. June 2024Higher EducationEuropean Programmes

Bericht des Erasmus Student Networks zur bürgerschaftlichen Beteiligung von mobilen Studierenden

Survey on staff development in higher education

27. May 2024Higher Education

Higher education institutions are invited to respond to a survey on staff development for learning and teaching at European universities.

Looking back: OeAD Alumni Event 2024 in Shanghai

23. May 2024NetzwerkHigher Education

The OeAD Cooperation Office welcomed 150 guests at the annual OeAD alumni event in Shanghai.

NAFA (National Association of Fellowship Advisors) zu Besuch beim OeAD

23. May 2024Higher EducationSchoolStudies

Besuch einer Delegation von US-Studienberaterinnen und Studienberatern.

Sustainable Tourism in Vietnam

29. April 2024Science communicationHigher EducationDevelopment Research

Discover how this KoEF project is revolutionising Vietnam's tourism industry, enhancing travellers' experiences with innovative technology and rich cultural insights.