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Campus Drive-In at the University of Klagenfurt Offers Tours for Prospective Students

19. June 2024Studies

Interested individuals living in Carinthia or stopping in Klagenfurt on their way south can book an appointment online.

MOREclassic und Borealis-MORE-Stipendium für geflüchtete und vertriebene Studierende

10. June 2024StudiesScholarship

Open Call zur Teilnahme an der MORE-Initiative für Geflüchtete der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz im Studienjahr 2024/25.

NAFA (National Association of Fellowship Advisors) zu Besuch beim OeAD

23. May 2024Higher EducationSchoolStudies

Besuch einer Delegation von US-Studienberaterinnen und Studienberatern.

The Federation of Austrian Industries awards scholarships for high-potential students from Ukraine

7. March 2024Higher EducationStudiesScholarship

The Federation of Austrian Industries will once again award three EUR 6,000 scholarships for high-potential students from Ukraine in 2024

OeAD counselling services regarding studying, scholarships and the law relating to aliens

13. February 2024Higher EducationStudiesScholarship

In the calendar year 2023 the OeAD answered about 7,500 enquiries from students, researchers and institutions. This is about 1,400 enquiries more than in the previous year.