Educational Cooperation with Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Drei Personen, davon eine im Rollstuhl, mit Hammer und Schere © OeAD/Gianmaria Gava

On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research the department of Educational Cooperation promotes exchange and cooperation between educational institutions in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Austria in order to support sustainable education reforms at the pre-university level.

The projects are implemented through four project offices located in Chisinau, Odesa (Uzhgorod)), Sarajevo (responsible for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia) and Tirana (responsible for Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia), which are headed by Austrian educational coordinators. For more information see this link.

The OeAD’s project partners include the respective ministries responsible for education and training at the pre-university level, education and vocational education and training agencies, teacher training institutions, regional education administrations, schools and other stakeholders in the OeAD’s partner countries and in Austria.

Moreover, the OeAD supports the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in implementing mobility programmes within the context of the Ministry’s "Service Centre for International Mobility Programmes" and in the coordination of Priority Area 9 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, " Investing in People and Skills".

Die Projekte werden über vier OeAD-Kooperationsbüros in Chisinau, Odesa (derzeit Uzhgorod), Sarajewo (Zuständigkeit für Bosnien-Herzegowina, Montenegro, Serbien) und Tirana (Zuständigkeit für Albanien, Kosovo, Nordmazedonien) umgesetzt, die von österreichischen Bildungsbeauftragten geleitet werden. Die Bildungsbeauftragten werden direkt durch das BMBWF entsandt. Mehr dazu unter diesem Link.

Zu den OeAD-Projektpartnern zählen die jeweils zuständigen Ministerien für Bildung und Ausbildung im voruniversitären Bereich, Bildungsagenturen, Lehrer/innen-Fortbildungsinstitutionen, regionale Bildungsverwaltungen, Schulen und andere Stakeholder in den OeAD-Partnerländern und in Österreich.

Zusätzlich unterstützt der OeAD das BMBWF in der Durchführung von Mobilitätsprogrammen im Rahmen der „Servicestelle für Mobilitätsprogramme des BMBWF“ und in der Koordination des Prioritätsbereichs 9, „Investitionen in Menschen und Qualifikationen“ der EU-Strategie für den Donauraum.

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    • The OeAD promotes innovative forms of peer learning within and between education systems to promote targeted change management.
    • The thematic focuses are oriented on common priorities at the interface between national education developments and those at EU level. A priority area in this context is vocational education and training.
    • Multilingualism and diversity are continually increasing at Austrian schools. The OeAD promotes dialogue and cooperation between educational institutions in Austria and the main countries of origin of children with migration backgrounds.
  • Within the context of our projects providing sustainable support for education reforms the OeAD organises training measures and advisory services, peer learning activities, conferences, round tables and workshops focussing on the following subject areas:

    • Quality development and education management
    • Development of practice-oriented vocational education and training
    • Promotion of cooperation between schools and the business sector
    • Introduction of new teaching/learning strategies to promote competence-based, individualised learning
    • Promotion of social inclusion in education and a respectful, constructive approach to dealing with diversity
    • Promotion of education for sustainable development


Bunte senkrechte Streifen © OeAD_Ilse Lahofer/OeAD_Ilse Lahofer

The OeAD supports innovative forms of peer learning within and between education systems to promote target-oriented change management. National education systems differ from one to the other. In an increasingly globalised world, however, they face similar challenges. The OeAD's thematic focuses are oriented on common priorities at the interface between developments in education at national level and those at EU level. One focus is on vocational education and training. Multilingualism and diversity are continually increasing at Austrian schools. The OeAD promotes dialogue and cooperation between educational institutions in Austria and the main countries of origin of children with migration backgrounds.

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The Austrian educational coordinators’ network:

The OeAD maintains a network of coordination offices in Eastern and South-Eastern European partner countries on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for the implementation of sustainable projects. These offices are headed by educational coordinators, who have been directly delegated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
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Coordination Office EUSDR


The OeAD supports the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in its coordinating role of the educational priority of priority area 9 "To invest in people and skills" of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Priority area 9 (PA9) focuses on intensifying cooperation in the education and labour market sectors in order to contribute to a balanced socio-economic development of the Danube Region and to achieving the relevant EU 2020 and ET 2020 strategies.
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