
Zoja Anžur's journey of personal and professional growth

26. June 2023ScholarsAlumni

Meet Zoja Anžur, a passionate researcher pursuing her master's thesis at the Austrian Institute of Technology.

Academic cooperation Austria-Uganda: Two female researchers in Vienna

22. June 2023Higher EducationResearcher

The agroecologist Mary Ekyaligonza and the agrarian engineer Violet Kisakaye are talking about the importance of sustainable agriculture and decolonising knowledge.

Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der RAY Netzwerk Umfrage zu den europäischen Jugendprogrammen

21. June 2023JugendNetzwerkEuropean Programmes

In der Umfrage geht es um die persönlichen Erfahrungen von Teilnehmenden an Erasmus+ Jugend und das Europäische Solidaritätskorps.

Neue Wissenschaftsbotschafter/innen: Herzlich willkommen!

20. June 2023DNAustriaScience communicationSchool

Unser Team der Wissenschaftsbotschafter/innen wächst stetig an! Wir präsentieren unsere sechs Neuzugänge.

7300 pupils from 160 schools dealt with sustainability in a creative way

20. June 2023KulturvermittlungPress releaseSchool

Cultural education projects at schools raised awareness of ecological and social sustainability in the competition projekteuropa