
Children’s and Youth Universities: BMBWF and OeAD promote knowledge experiences

5. October 2023KinderunisPress release

Austria puts an emphasis on out-of-school science education

Visions for a Brighter Future Through Research Cooperation Between Africa and Austria

5. October 202339:06Development ResearchResearcher

Never before have so many representatives of African research institutions met with Austrian scientists.

Neuer Blogbeitrag: Europa entdecken mit Erasmus+ Erwachsenenbildung!

4. October 2023

„Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich diese Chance hatte und ich das erleben durfte. Es war sehr interessant, inspirierend und hat mein Verständnis für andere Regionen erweitert.“ …

DiscoverEU: Free travel passes for young explorers

4. October 2023Press releaseEuropean Programmes

Apply now: 729 tickets are available for Austria!

New Organization OKAA Promotes Education and Science between Kosovo and Austria

4. October 2023AlumniScholarship

The Organization of Kosovar-Austrian Alumni (OKAA) was established in 2021 as a non-profit organization in Kosovo.