
Conferral of an order to HR Dir. Kernegger of the University Preparation Programme Vienna (VWU)

3. July 2017OeAD

On June 30th HR Dir. Margarete Kernegger was conferred the Great Badge of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria by the Austrian Federal President.

OeAD invites European mobility agencies to Alpbach

30. June 2017Press releaseEuropean ProgrammesOeAD

Strategic exchange on the Erasmus+ programme after 2020 on the margin of the Alpbach higher education talks.

AlumniTalks with Gibson S. Nyanhongo

29. June 2017Alumni

From the University of Zimbabwe to the IFA Tulln: My journey in biotechnology. The event took place on the 12th May 2017 in Graz.

Medizinanthropologie: Über die soziokulturellen Aspekte von Gesundheit

27. June 201759:48

Drei Medizinanthropolog/innen im Gespräch über ihre Arbeit in Afrika und die vielfältigen Facetten der Medizinanthropologie

25 years Franz Werfel Grant

27. June 2017Press releaseScholarship

Anniversary publication has been published