
Start of the OeAD's online publication series

21. March 2018OeAD

The online edition of the OeAD series of publications starts with three interesting contributions on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

An afternoon at the Weltmuseum Wien

20. March 2018OeADResearcher

About 40 incoming OeAD scholars and young researchers joined events4scholars and EURAXESS Meeting Point VIENNA for a tour of the ethnographic museum housed inside the Hofburg.

Open Access – freier Zugang zur Wissenschaft in Nord und Süd

14. March 201801:03:30

Open Access - der freie Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Daten - Finanzierung, Kritik und die Rolle für Länder des globalen Südens 105 | Kulturelles Erbe und Bildung

13. March 2018OeADEuropean Programmes

The new edition of the is dedicated to the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

TU Austria launches free online study preparation for pupils

13. March 2018Higher EducationSchoolStudies

By means of specifically tailored free online courses pupils can prepare themselves for technology studies at the Vienna University of Technology, the Graz University of Technology …