
Excursion of OeAD scholarship holders to the IIASA in the Laxenburg Palace

14. May 2018OeADScholarship

On May 4th, 2018 a group of OeAD scholarship holders visited the Laxenburg Palace Park and the renowned "International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – IIASA".

Europas Studierende diskutieren Zukunft von Erasmus+

13. May 2018European ProgrammesHigher Education

Im Rahmen einer Konferenz in Rom waren Studierende aus ganz Europa – unter ihnen auch drei aus Österreich – eingeladen, die Zukunft des Programms Erasmus+ zu diskutieren.

Welt im Ohr: UN Year of Pulses – an all in one device for every purpose?

9. May 2018Development ResearchPodcasts

On Friday, May 11th, the radio programme "Welt im Ohr" will once again address the UN Year of Pulses 2016, the topic of food security and ethical aspects of feeding the world.

Badge of honour of the City of Lviv for Andreas Wenninger

9. May 2018OeADPartnershipsHigher Education

The OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv's head was awarded the Golden Coat of Arms of the City of Lviv for his many years of service.

Publikation: Food Sovereignity and alternative development in Palestine

9. May 2018Development ResearchResearcher

Eine Schwerpunktausgabe des Journals für Entwicklungspolitik befasst sich mit den Themen eines abgeschlossenen KEF-Projekts.