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Human Rights Film Festival in co-operation with OeAD/APPEAR and VIDC

24. November 202359:15Development ResearchResearcher

Live broadcast with a focus on Africa in the festival programme and outlook on the event at the Top Kino cinema on 5 December.

The world is getting smaller and smaller: Academic partnerships revisited

25. October 202359:35Development ResearchResearcher

A talk with Maria Wurzinger, head of the Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna and long-term APPEAR …

Visions for a Brighter Future Through Research Cooperation Between Africa and Austria

5. October 202339:06Development ResearchResearcher

Never before have so many representatives of African research institutions met with Austrian scientists.

Ready for (Climate) Change? Armenian-Austrian research cooperation

19. July 202359:49Development Research

With its focus on the concept of ecosystem services the APPEAR project EcoServ between Austria and Armenia makes an important contribution to the protection of the environment. (in …

Academic cooperation Austria-Uganda: Two female researchers in Vienna

22. June 2023Higher EducationResearcher

The agroecologist Mary Ekyaligonza and the agrarian engineer Violet Kisakaye are talking about the importance of sustainable agriculture and decolonising knowledge.