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The Federation of Austrian Industries awards scholarships for high-potential students from Ukraine

7. March 2024Higher EducationStudiesScholarship

The Federation of Austrian Industries will once again award three EUR 6,000 scholarships for high-potential students from Ukraine in 2024

Ernst Mach Scholarship - UKRAINE: Application for extension possible until 7 April 2024

15. February 2024Higher EducationScholarship

The special scholarship programme "Ernst Mach Ukraine" has been extended by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) for another year.

OeAD counselling services regarding studying, scholarships and the law relating to aliens

13. February 2024Higher EducationStudiesScholarship

In the calendar year 2023 the OeAD answered about 7,500 enquiries from students, researchers and institutions. This is about 1,400 enquiries more than in the previous year.

New medical scholarship of the Vienna Healthcare Association – application deadline extended

3. February 2024CallHigher EducationScholarship

The call for applications is open until 14 February 2024. The scholarship programme is funded by the City of Vienna – Vienna Healthcare Association and administered by the OeAD.

Rückschau: Nationales Vernetzungstreffen der Inclusion ACAdemy in Salzburg

24. January 2024Europäischer HochschulraumHigher EducationEuropean Programmes

Am 16. und 17. Januar fand ein nationales Vernetzungstreffen der Inclusion ACAdemy statt, 30 Teilnehmende aus österreichischen Hochschulen kamen dabei erstmals persönlich zusammen.