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Intensifying Austrian-Russian cooperation in education and science

7. June 2018PartnershipsStudiesHigher Education

More than 100 representatives of Austrian and Russian higher education institutions are currently taking part in the Erasmus+ cooperation seminar in Moscow. 106 | Internationalisierung der Hochschulen im Wandel

30. May 2018OeADHigher Education

The new edition of the explores the internationalisation of the higher education institutions and talks about the practice of International Offices.

OeAD Director General visits Azerbaijan and Georgia

17. May 2018OeADPartnershipsHigher Education

Stefan Zotti visited the OeAD Information Office in Baku, Azerbaijan during his business trip and signed the renewal of the contract for the branch office until 2019.

Europas Studierende diskutieren Zukunft von Erasmus+

13. May 2018European ProgrammesHigher Education

Im Rahmen einer Konferenz in Rom waren Studierende aus ganz Europa – unter ihnen auch drei aus Österreich – eingeladen, die Zukunft des Programms Erasmus+ zu diskutieren.

Badge of honour of the City of Lviv for Andreas Wenninger

9. May 2018OeADPartnershipsHigher Education

The OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv's head was awarded the Golden Coat of Arms of the City of Lviv for his many years of service.