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"Welt im Ohr": Green Building Solutions: Sustainable construction and minimum environmental impact

12. September 201959:49Development ResearchResearcher

Goal 11 of the UN Agenda 2030 states that "cities and settlements should be inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable". What "green" planning and building means can be heard in …

Call extension: Austrian Prize for Development Research

19. August 2019CallDevelopment ResearchResearcher

Call extended: Nominations for the main prize and articles for the junior prize can still be submitted until 11th of September 2019.

APPEAR in practice_13: Water, energy and food security in East Africa

14. August 2019Development Research

Insights into integrated natural resource management with examples from Kenya and Uganda.

"Welt im Ohr": Discoverers, explorers, adventurers - once to the end of the world and back

18. July 2019Development ResearchResearcher

In this "Summer Reading" the novel "Der König von Ozeanien" ("The King of Oceania") is presented, the historical background of which is mainly set in Papua New Guinea. Ö1 Campus …

Article on higher education as driving force for the achievement of the SDGs

17. June 2019Higher EducationDevelopment Research

The current ÖFSE briefing paper summarizes the international discussion on higher education and the SDGs from a development policy perspective.