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Bernd Rode Award 2020/2021

17. February 2021CallNetzwerkHigher Education

The call for application for the Bernd Rode Award 2020/2021 is open until 31st March 2021! Scientific contributions are accepted in three cathegories.

Updated basic information available in 8 languages

10. February 2021Development ResearchCall

On 1 March, 2021 the first call for applications of the third phase of the Austrian Partnership Program for Higher Education and Research for Development - APPEAR will open. The …

Calls for applications for scholarships for the year 2021/22

10. December 2020OeADCallScholarship

Here you can find information about open calls for scholarships including the respective application deadlines.

HERAS+ Kick-off Conference

2. December 2020BildungskooperationCallScholarship

Official opening: with HERAS+, the project with Kosovo is entering the next round and the OeAD is again running the scholarship program for PhD and PostDocs.

20 years of funding within the framework of Eurasia-Pacific Uninet

27. October 2020NetzwerkCallScholarship

The Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (EPU) is a university network with approximately 180 member institutions in Austria and Asia. Applications for project funding and Ernst Mach …