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Call: Visiting Professorship at Leiden University

4. September 2023CallHigher EducationResearcher

Visiting Professorship at Leiden University in the summer term 2024/25 or 2025/26

Cooperation Development Research: 4th Call for Projects

1. September 2023CallDevelopment Research

4th Call of Cooperation Development Research (KoEF) is open from 1st September to 30th November 2023.

Die Österreichische Studienstiftung sucht motivierte Maturant/innen!

25. August 2023CallSchool

Ab September können sich außergewöhnlich motivierte und engagierte Schülerinnen und Schüler bei der Österreichischen Studienstiftung bewerben. Das Programm bietet viele Chancen für …

Country Doctor Scholarship Lower Austria: future general practitioners are needed everywhere

21. July 2023CallScholarship

The Health Agency of the Province of Lower Austria invited holders of a Country Doctor Scholarship Lower Austria to an information meeting and emphasises: "We need you everywhere". …

Country Doctor Scholarship Lower Austria – new call for applications open

4. July 2023Call

The Province of Lower Austria, in cooperation with the OeAD, calls for applications for the Country Doctor Scholarship Lower Austria (Landarztstipendium Niederösterreich) for the …