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Prospects for the development of vocational education and training in Bosnia and Herzegovina

17. February 2021BildungskooperationVocational Training

Strategy for improving the quality and relevance of vocational education and training (2021 - 2030)

Management for Change

17. February 2021SchoolBildungskooperation

New cooperation project in the Republic of Moldova.

HERAS+ Kick-off Conference

2. December 2020BildungskooperationCallScholarship

Official opening: with HERAS+, the project with Kosovo is entering the next round and the OeAD is again running the scholarship program for PhD and PostDocs.

eTwinning-Wochen 2020: Klimawandel und ökologische Herausforderungen

30. September 2020BildungskooperationEuropean ProgrammesSchool

Die eTwinning-Wochen finden in diesem Jahr vom 28. September bis 25. Oktober statt und stehen ganz im Zeichen des Jahresthemas „Klimawandel und ökologische Herausforderungen“.

European Forum Alpbach: Deepening Austrian-African cooperation in higher education and research

27. August 2020BildungskooperationHigher Education

More than 70 participants at the European Forum Alpbach met to discuss the Austrian-African cooperation in higher education and research.