
The new Citizen Science newsletter is here!

2. June 2023Citizen SciencePublic Science

On June 1, 2023, the latest information around "Citizen Science" and "Science Communication" was sent out.

Kultur:Bildung – Presentation of the school projects at Tangente St. Pölten

2. June 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

The OeAD supports participatory art projects of the "Tangente - Festival for Contemporary Art" in St. Pölten with schools with its initiative Kultur:Bildung (Culture:Education).

31 new quality labels for outstanding learning apps awarded

2. June 2023Lern-AppsPress releaseSchool

OeAD call for app developers and app providers to submit their learning apps for the next certification round

Start of the second call of „Sparkling Science 2.0“!

1. June 2023Sparkling Science

The second call for proposals runs until September 25, 2023. Project applications can be submitted online now.

Die VS Senftenberg erforschte mit dem Wissenschaftsbotschafter Christoph Hörweg Spinnentiere

1. June 2023DNAustriaSchoolPublic Science

Beim Besuch des Forschers erhielten die 3. und 4. Klasse Einblicke in die Welt der achtfüßigen Tierchen. Am Schluss gab es noch eine süße Überraschung.