
Mikroben in der Lebensmittelproduktion - Jugendliche beproben Käse und Küchen

10. August 2023Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

In einem Video-Interview gibt die Projektleiterin Evelyne Selberherr (Vetmeduni Wien) Einblicke ins Projekt "Micro-Tramper" und wie Jugendliche die DNA von Mikroben sequenzieren.

ORF-Beitrag über "Schülerinnen und Schüler an die Hochschulen"

9. August 2023SchoolPublic Science

In der Sendung "Wien heute" berichten eine Schülerin und ein Schüler von ihrem frühzeitigen Hochschulstudium neben der Schule.

Information afternoon for teachers on OeAD offers regarding cultural education with schools

8. August 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

The OeAD invites teachers, artists and cultural educators to learn about the new thematic focus "Democracy and Sustainability" and all current calls for proposals.

Austrian students at the renowned College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin

3. August 2023Higher EducationEuropean ProgrammesScholarship

The Minister of Europe Karoline Edtstadler awarded the scholarships on 24 July at the Federal Chancellery. The OeAD was responsible for the application and selection process.

Funding for the initiative "Educational innovation needs educational research"

3. August 2023Higher EducationResearcher

On Wednesday, 2 August, the Minister of Education Martin Polaschek, the University College of Teacher Education’s rector Beatrix Karl, the Graz University of Technology’s rector …