
5th International School of Multimedia Journalism 2019 in Vienna - A review

25. March 2019PartnershipsStudiesOeAD

During the project week, which was supported by the OeAD, journalism students from four countries worked on joint multimedia projects on the topic of "Social Responsibility".

11th Wendelin Schmidt Dengler reading with Wolf Haas on April 5th, 2019 in the Literaturhaus Vienna

21. March 2019Higher EducationScholarship

At the OeAD's Franz Werfel symposium Haas will read from his latest novel "Junger Mann" (the reading will be held in German).

Citizen Science Award 2019: Mitforschen und gewinnen!

21. March 2019CallPress releasePublic Science

Jugendliche, Erwachsene und Schulklassen können ab 1. April 2019 an sieben Projekten mitforschen. Das Zentrum für Citizen Science des OeAD vergibt attraktive Preise.

Drei österreichische Schulen erhalten das eTwinning-Schulsiegel 2019-2020

20. March 2019European ProgrammesSchoolQuality

Zum zweiten Mal wurde das Siegel europaweit verliehen.

Ring of honour of the University of Vienna for Christof Lammer

20. March 2019AlumniResearcher

The sinologist, cultural and social anthropologist and former Marietta Blau scholarship holder receives the highest distinction "sub auspiciis" for his dissertation.