
Offers at the UNESCO International Arts Education Week 2023

11. May 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

Focus on cultural education: UNESCO has proclaimed 20 to 26 May as International Arts Education Week; the OeAD will take part.

Erasmus+ und ESK: Meine Story 2023 – Erzähle & Gewinne

9. May 2023European Programmes

Der OeAD lädt Erasmus+ und ESK Teilnehmende ein, ihre ganz persönliche Geschichte zu erzählen. Die besten Beiträge gewinnen einen Reisegutschein!

Wissenschaftsbotschafterin Corina Madreiter-Sokolowski besucht das BRG Imst

8. May 2023DNAustriaSchoolPublic Science

Die "Anti-Aging"-Forscherin untersucht die Funktion der Mitochondrien und alterungsbedingte Veränderungen dieser Zellorganellen.

New funding for school visits to concentration camp memorials

5. May 2023Holocaust Education

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) announces a new school fund to strengthen the culture of remembrance in schools.

21 children's and youth universities once again inspire youngsters with their science programmes

5. May 2023DNAustriaKinderunisPress release

Encouraging joy in research: The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) provides more than 1.25 million euros through the education agency OeAD.