
Welcome to Vienna! Strong increase in the number of scholarship holders being looked after

21. October 2022

Almost 500 scholarship holders from 43 countries are being taken care of by the OeAD Regional Office Vienna in October

Magdalena Boch - An expert on dog brains in Oxford

21. October 2022ScholarsAlumniResearcher

Dr Magdalena Boch spent the academic year 2021/22 on a Marietta Blau Grant at the Cognitive Neuroecology Lab at the University of Oxford, researching evolutionary similarities and …

Submit now: RaumGestalten

20. October 2022KulturvermittlungSchool

Concepts and project ideas for implementation in the summer semester 2023 can now be submitted.

Das OeAD-Magazin #YoungScienceRocks

19. October 2022SchoolPublic ScienceResearcher

Das Magazin bietet vielseitige Einblicke in die OeAD-Initiativen für Wissenschaftsvermittlung an Schulen.

Review: Innovation Workshop "Mobility in teacher training", Part II

17. October 2022

The second part of the innovation workshop "Mobility in teacher training" took place on 14 October 2022 at the Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz.