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Event review: Sparkling Science conference in Innsbruck

28. February 2024Sparkling Science

For the first time, all current projects with Tyrolean participation came together for the Sparkling Science conference. The participating students presented their research.

New publication of the Sparkling Science project Aquirufa

1. February 2024Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

The Aquirufa citizen science project is researching the freshwater bacterium of the same name.

Circus of Knowledge featured in Austrian public TV

25. January 2024Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

Insights into the Sparkling Science project "Circus of Knowledge" can be viewed on ORF TVThek until January 29.

Follow-up report and video: Motivation and recognition in Citizen Science

15. January 2024Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

On January 11, 2024, the fifth spotlight of the series "Inside Sparkling Science 2.0" took place.