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"KlarText" prize for science communication

21. January 2022Science communicationResearcher

Young researchers who have written a very good doctoral thesis can enter the KlarText Prize until 28 February 2022.

Overview of the past event "The limits of my language are the limits of my world"

15. December 2021Science communicationPublic Science

On 13 December 2021, the OeAD department "Education and Society" organised an online event on the topic of "Dealing with language in science and culture communication".

Toolkits for citizen science projects

13. December 2021Citizen ScienceScience communication

Two new toolkits for Citizen Science projects were developed within EU projects. They support researchers in project planning and implementation.

Science is Wonderful

4. November 2021Science communicationSchool

Science is Wonderful! wurde entwickelt, um die Welt der Naturwissenschaften in Grund- und weiterführende Schulen in ganz Europa zu bringen.

Graphic Novel for the presentation at the Forum Science Communication 2021.

19. October 2021Citizen ScienceScience communication

On October 6, 2021, the OeAD Center for Citizen Science presented best practices from Sparkling Science. Lorna Schütte put the content into pictures.