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Event recording: Hard-to-reach-groups in Citizen Science and Science Communication

19. May 2021Citizen ScienceScience communicationResearcher

More than 100 participants followed the keynote and subsequent panel discussion via Zoom yesterday.

The Science Citizens: Neuer Podcast

10. May 2021Citizen ScienceSchoolPublic Science

New Podcast for the citizen science enthusiast and critic!

Unsolved health problems belong in the box!

10. May 2021Citizen SciencePublic ScienceResearcher

The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) is now collecting ideas for new research projects about health.

Vienna Biocenter receives EUR 60 million in funding

6. May 2021Higher EducationResearcher

The Vienna Biocenter receives 60 million euros from the federal government and the city of Vienna for the acquisition and operation of research infrastructure and the provision of …

The Alliance for Responsible Science has grown to 50 members!

5. May 2021Public ScienceResearcherNetzwerk

In May 2021, Montanuniversität Leoben joined the Alliance for Responsible Science as 50th member.