News by tags

Career paths in science: Results of the Higher Education Conference working group

26. April 2024Higher EducationResearcher

How can attractive, permeable and sustainable career models be developed and supported in the Austrian higher education and research area?

Welt im Ohr: Dekolonialisierung des Wissens II: Auf Spurensuche in Bibliotheken und Museen

25. April 2024Development ResearchResearcher

Es gilt noch vielfache diskriminierende und rassistische Denkmuster zu „verlernen“. Ö1 ORF Campusradio 26.04.24, 20:00-21:00 Uhr

Stability of S&T cooperation also guaranteed in 2023

17. April 2024Researcher

The Scientific & Technological Cooperation programme, which began in the late 1960s, remained successful in 2023.

Franz-Werfel Tagung 2024

15. April 2024ScholarshipResearcher

Von 15.-16. März 2024 fand in Wien die diesjährige Fachtagung der Franz-Werfel-Stipendiatinnen und -Stipendiaten zum Thema „Literatur und Ideologie“ statt.

Preserving marine ecosystems – Dr. Kingtong’s fight against marine contamination

12. April 2024AlumniScholarshipResearcher

Dr. Sutin Kingtong, a biologist from Thailand, has come to Austria a few times since 2020 to carry out research projects with the University of Veterinary Medicine within the scope …